24 December 2009
A/V lessons...
22 December 2009
Mix it up!
One class = listening
One class = writing
One class = reading
One class = all of the three!
21 December 2009
Arsenic and Old Lace
20 December 2009
Bussiness Cards
19 December 2009
book bags
17 December 2009
Sometimes all it takes...
is a SMILE.
Smile. It puts the students are easy and makes you feel better.
So when things go downhill and you have no idea what's happening to your lessons. Pause. SMILE. and move on.
16 December 2009
Legal Status
Don't worry. Be jealous! Those of use from North American and other regions have a LONG LONG path to legal status in the EU. It's a path that is fraught with money pits, sleepless nights, reams of photocopies, lines, double talk, and triple think, and infuriating government drones... and those are the good weeks.
sooooo.... be jealous of those who you find with dual EU passports.
It's even permitted to wisfuly think of their ugly demise, especially while you stand in an all-day line instead of being paid to teach your classes.
14 December 2009
Some Advice
With Upper Inter/Advanced an episode of (or 10 minute part) a popular TV show can be a worthwhile activity.
Gap worksheets of lyrics combined with a popular song are valuable activities
13 December 2009
12 December 2009
Some schools...
11 December 2009
Some Advice
Don't take anything personal.
Mad Libs are a useful tool, but only a certain level of proficiency.
Find teaching material that is interesting to students.
Use travel time to unwind. Read a book or listen to music.
Teachers should speak as little as possible.
Allow students to correct themselves. Only step in if they can't.
Give potential students options on the price of classes.
If assigned a textbook, use it. But deviate when possible. Mixing things up can (re-)energize a class.
Do your job. Don't get to tied up in your students' success or failure.
Ask the students want they want from the class.
Ask the students how often they hear English in a given day/week.
Give students time to find answers.
Always give students time to reason out WHY they are learning something.
10 December 2009
is the fuel of the day!
Ignore it at your peril.
Punctuality II
A followup to this subject...
Use it to your advantage: you're getting paid for 15 minutes or even 30 minutes of simply sitting there reading your novel or prepping for later in the week.
09 December 2009
Free Time
07 December 2009
06 December 2009
03 December 2009
Under NO circumstances should you become depressed over the lack of your students' progress.
If you've done your job and done it well, then let it go. DO NOT get invested in your students.